How to Convert PDF Files to Word Files without Using Any Software?

We get stuck at times, to convert PDF files to Microsoft Word document (.docx) files. In this video, I have shown step by by step how to convert PDF files to the word files, just within a minute! For this, all you need is a Google ID so that you could sign into [Google Drive]. Once you are signed in, upload the PDF file to be converted. There are a couple of ways to do this. You either upload using NEW button or just drag and drop the required PDF file. If file uploading is completed, right click on the file and Choose open with... Google Docs option. Let the file open completely. Then, click on the File Menu, and choose Download As... Microsoft Word (.docx). That's it! You have now saved your converted word file into your PC. Thank you for going through my tutorial. If you like my effort, don't forget to like this video. Share it, and subscribe my channel for more innovative tech solutions!